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Survey shows Above 60% of Educators Make Use of AI in Teaching

 According to a TeamLease study, 61.60% of educators currently use AI for jobs such as teaching, preparation, and student involvement.

A new survey from TeamLease EdTech demonstrates a huge shift in Indian education, with more than 60% of teachers now using AI tools in the classroom. The paper, titled "Revolutionising Classrooms: The Impact of Generative AI on the Future of Education," examined almost 6,000 educators in India, including school teachers and university professors.

The findings emphasize AI's promise in education, with 64.87% of educators recognizing its ability to improve learning experiences and personalize instruction.

61.60% of educators currently use AI for tasks such as teaching, preparation, and student involvement.

However, the paper raises questions about the ethical implications of AI in education. 87.85% of educators support government supervision and monitoring of AI development and applications.

Despite this, the vast majority of educators believe that AI is critical for educating students for an AI-dominated future, with 70.85% predicting that AI's impact will be even greater than the smartphone revolution.

Shantanu Rooj, CEO of TeamLease EdTech, emphasizes that the research provides a road map for ethical AI deployment in education, while co-founder Neeti Sharma emphasizes the importance of supplementing rather than replacing human capacity.

The paper is intended to provide insights to schools, colleges, universities, policymakers, and other stakeholders.

Some major AI technologies are making substantial strides in education.

1. QuillBot: QuillBot is an AI-powered writing assistance that specializes in paraphrasing and creating research citations. It helps students create original content by rephrasing lines and paragraphs while keeping their original meaning, allowing them to avoid plagiarism. It is a wonderful tool for creating complete documents with high clarity.

2. is an advanced transcription service that translates spoken language to written text. It is commonly used for transcribing lectures, meetings, and interviews, producing real-time, searchable transcripts. It increases productivity by allowing for easy access to and analysis of spoken content. It is an excellent facilitator of simple data assimilation and learning.

3. Speechify: Speechify is a text-to-speech tool that lets students listen to class notes, textbooks, and other study materials on the go. Speechify, which converts written material into spoken words, helps pupils absorb knowledge more effectively, particularly auditory learners and those with visual disabilities. It also provides students with the advantage of learning on the go, saving them time and effort.

4. Grammarly: Grammarly is a powerful writing tool that helps students improve their writing by detecting and correcting grammatical, spelling, and punctuation issues. Grammarly goes beyond simple error correction to include additional features like style and tone suggestions, ensuring that your writing is clear, succinct, and acceptable for your target audience. The application works seamlessly with word processors, email programs, and web browsers, giving students real-time feedback as they type. It streamlines the write-up and makes it more consumable by tailoring the material to the required format.

5. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: ITS are one of the most important AI applications in education. These technologies deliver personalized training and feedback to pupils without requiring human participation. For example, Carnegie Learning's AI-powered platform adapts to each student's learning style, allowing them to absorb complicated concepts more effectively. ITS can improve learning results by providing personalized advice that traditional classroom environments frequently lack.

6. This AI platform provides comprehensive AI-driven solutions for education, with a focus on personalized learning and effective classroom management. The platform leverages advanced AI to adjust educational content to each student's individual needs, delivering a personalized learning experience. It also tracks students' progress in real time and offers instructors with actionable data, with the goal of improving student outcomes and streamlining instructional processes. aims to use AI to make education more effective and engaging. According to a recent survey, 74% of teachers use technology to incorporate AI into their classrooms. Furthermore, 68% of these educators believe that AI improves student progress.

7. BriskBrisk is a free AI-powered Chrome extension that allows busy instructors to save time right in the resources they regularly use, such as Google Docs, Slides, YouTube, and web articles. Quickly develop teaching materials, provide feedback, analyze student writing, and edit or translate texts without leaving your current workstation.

8. QuestionWellQuestionWell is an artificial intelligence platform that helps teachers develop questions and learning materials rapidly. It generates critical questions, learning objectives, and multiple-choice questions from any literature. This enables teachers to concentrate on instruction rather than content development.Seven days ago.

9. EduaideEduaide is a unique instrument in the educational field. It provides several materials that teachers may readily include into their lesson plans. It's like a one-stop shop for all educational resources and features. What is the best part? It's created by teachers, for teachers. Eduaide also has a free AI function that strives to reduce teacher stress and ensure that all teachers, regardless of location, have easy access to high-quality resources. It's all about making teaching easier and more effective for everyone.

10. Vidya-mitraVidya-mitra is an online learning site for all e-content projects established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development's NME-ICT (National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology). The portal allows learners to simply search and browse all hosted information, including audio/video learning materials, textual materials, multimedia-enriched materials, and so on, all through a single interface. This portal also includes features like faceted search, usage statistics, project-based access, and My-Space.


The Path Forward

AI is poised to transform education by delivering tools for improving learning, personalizing instruction, and streamlining administrative operations. Over the next three years, artificial intelligence is predicted to underpin more than 47% of learning management applications. As AI's presence in the education sector grows, so will its impact on teaching and learning, potentially altering educational practices around the world and making learning more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for everyone. Despite the potential improvements, incorporating AI into education presents hurdles such as data privacy concerns, the requirement for significant infrastructure, and teacher training to effectively employ these technologies. Ensuring ethical use and overcoming these problems will be critical to successfully adopting AI in educational contexts.



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